This redwood fence was erected in Fall 2007. Like all newly constructed fences or decks, there is a waiting period before one should even consider having the wood washed and stained. That waiting period depends on many things. Certainly fences(anything vertically constructed) can go longer without treatment, yet there comes a time when it IS time. This fence is in Santa Cruz Ca. By our recommendation, it sat two years. It began to age. It pushed out its sap and its moisture. In November 2009 we got the call, and made it happen. A special blend of Biowash Natural Deck Oil was used. The pic on the left is an “in process” shot. The middle pic is a good look at the finished look. The pic on the right is a closeup shot with a four legged twig trying to keep incognit0.
If you live in Aptos, Soquel, Santa Cruz, Pleasure Point, Scotts Valley and have deck maintenance, shingle maintenance, or fencing questions, please shoot us an email